Emma C
With a background in business psychology, Emma has over twenty years experience of helping corporate teams and individuals develop the authentic strength to unlock ambitions and catalyse growth.

Working in the field of Executive Coaching and Assessment and Development both in the UK and worldwide, Emma has worked with a large range of corporate clients strengthening workplace relationships and empowering teams to grow together.
Her particular focus has been on leadership development, where she has helped embed leadership strategies for rising stars, middle managers and c-suite executives and has seen executive directors increase their influence and better engage their teams. Working with leaders internationally, she has a deep insight into cultural implications and issues. Emma has worked with a range of large corporates in a variety of industries including Google, NHS, Moderna, Dell, London Business School, Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, Salesforce, American Express, Black Rock Inc, Chevron, Form energy, Warner Bros, Mars Inc, Boeing, Zendesk, Bayer
Gain clarity, master your mindset, reach your true potential and achieve the career success you desire. Emma works with her clients in a way that moves them forward to achieve meaningful professional and personal goals. Emma uses a range of tools, psychometrics, methodologies and theories with each of her clients, adapting to suit each individual client with the understanding that coaching is not a ‘one size fits all’ proposition. With years of experience, an impressive range of qualifications and highly developed motivational capabilities, Emma is attuned to her clients’ needs and has the ability to build a trusted and collaborative coaching relationship with her clients. This relationship provides the necessary conditions for her clients to flourish and begin to make the changes that they desire.
Coaching style
Emma works with her clients in a way that encourages them to open up and view things from a different perspective. Encouraging authenticity, honesty, integrity, vulnerability and courage, she helps guide her clients on a path of discovery and self-awareness, whilst highlighting their strengths. She helps them understand and leverage their uniqueness for increased impact in and out of the workplace. She works together with her clients in a way that will see their self-confidence increase and their goals become more attainable. Embedding behaviour changes, eliminating procrastination, imposter syndrome and performance interfering thoughts but instead focusing on behaviours that help achieve goals and performance enhancing thoughts is embedded into Emma’s approach that gets her clients the results they desire. At times she will dive deep with her clients to help them understand themselves better, develop an ability to self-reflect, which will in turn enhance their relationships both in and out of the work environment. Emma also spends time helping her clients understand their self-sabotaging behaviours and the impact that these behaviours might have on their performance and potential.
MSc Coaching Psychology
- MSc Counselling & Psychotherapy
- BA Honours Arabic & Islamic Studies
- Certificate Counselling Skills:
- Executive Coaching Diploma
- BPS Certificate of Competence in Occupational Testing Levels A&B
- Assessment & Development Centre Assessor
- Resilience Training Practitioner
- Certificate in TEFL
- Psychometrics:
- Qualified to administer and provide feedback for a range of psychometric tests including: 360 Surveys, Hogan, OPQ, 15 FQ+, NEO-PI and Point Positive
Coaching philosophy
Emma’s motto is ‘choose challenge over comfort.’
She is driven by a core belief in the power of change. Her philosophy is that with self-understanding, courage, grit and accountability, we all have the power to reach our full potential and realise our dreams. It is her greatest privilege to help others let go of fear, step out of their comfort zone and embrace their full potential.